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ECOVEGETAL SA, share capital of €386,150, registered under SIRET 433 915 055 000 35 in the Chartres Trade and Companies Register, registered office located in Broué (28410) at Les Grandes Pièces, has designed and produced this site in partnership with COM FX in Dreux (28100), accessible at (hereinafter referred to as the “website”).


Under law 78-17 of January 6, 1978 modified by law 2009-526 of May 19, 2009 on data processing, the “Seller” informs you that you have a right to access and correct the data concerning you and that you can exercise this right at any time via a written request by email to the Seller. The personal data you provide to the Seller and/or its partners is kept confidential. It may only be transferred to third parties with your express permission or if disclosure is necessary for the identification, apprehension or prosecution of any person infringing the rights of the Seller or others.

The information you are asked to provide is exclusively for the use of the Seller and/or its commercial partners. This information may be used to send newsletters by the Seller and/or its commercial partners. Please note that voluntary registration on our Website constitutes consent to receiving newsletters.

Furthermore, the Seller informs you that it may use cookies (this term designating a code that an HTTP or HTTPS server records, often temporarily, on the hard disk of the Internet user to identify them on its service) in order to recognise you more quickly when you connect to the Website and display your preferences. The Seller informs you that you may refuse this type of exchange by changing the settings of your Internet browser. The Help section in the toolbar of most browsers tells you how to refuse cookies, receive a notification when a cookie is installed, or disable all cookies.  You may also choose to disable or delete similar data used by software connected to your browser, such as Flash cookies, by modifying the software settings or following the disabling procedures available on the software publisher’s website. However, because cookies give you access to some of the Website’s essential functions, we recommend that you leave them active, otherwise you may encounter problems when browsing our website.


The information collected through forms on this site is recorded in a file used by ECOVEGETAL SA to manage our prospects and customers. It is kept internally for 10 years and is intended for use by the marketing and sales departments in the European Union.

In accordance with the French law on information technology and civil liberties, you can exercise your right to access and rectify your personal data by contacting us.